What is Azad Visa or Free Visa and where can I get one ?

Azad Visa

We see many people asking about Free visa or Azad visa and how to get them.

Let us clear on this issue from starting – IT IS ILLEGAL TO TRADE IN VISA.

So what exactly is this Free visa ?

The government of Saudi Arabia, grants companies work visa to bring foreign labor to work in their companies. And also, it grants individual citizens visa for household laborers like maids, driver, cooks etc. However, some companies & individuals sell their visas for financial gain. The visas are sold depending on the nationality and profession of visa anywhere between SR 6,000 to SR 20,000. After arrival, the sponsor charges for making Iqama in addition to the normal government fee. Then he may charge a monthly or annual fee. Also there are charges for going on vacation (Exit re-entry visa) and charges when you want to leave him (Transfer).

Sometimes, when the sponsor (kafeel) wants to get rid of people under him, he puts Huroob report against him. That is one of the most scariest scenario and you will living like fugitive and running from pillar to post with no results. See What is huroob for more details.

So our sincere advise to our readers is to avoid these type of visa and its dealings.