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5 Fun Facts on Saudi National Day as Saudi Arabia Turns 88

As the entire country is in festive mode, the world wants to know: What is Saudi National Day all about?

Here Qsaudi explores the importance and relevance of the event and how everyone uses this time to enjoy with family and friends.


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Flag of Saudi Arabia

Significance of National Day Celebrations

Saudi Arabia as a nation turns 88 years old today and the day which people of this land celebrate as Al Yawm al Watani or National Day has tremendous historical and social significance.

1. Historical Significance

Like other nation’s commemorate their independence from colonial rule or their recognition as a separate state, Saudi Arabia on Al Yawm Al Watani celebrates the birth of the Saudi  identity and the carving of a brave new nation.

The Birth of Saudi Arabia

On this very day in 1930 the modern day nation of Saudi Arabia was born at the hands of King  Abdul Aziz Aal Saud and the baton of leadership in Arabia passed from Al Rashid family to Al Saud royal family.

Revival of the National Day Celebrations

Although celebration of the national day had died down over the years, during the reign of King Abdullah (may Allah have mercy on him) the observation of holiday on this day was revived.

Gradually it was seen as an excellent opportunity to promote national unity, revive traditional arts and culture and promote heritage tourism.


2. Social Significance

In addition to its historical importance, Saudi National Day severed several key social functions which work to improve the happiness index of the population.

Community Bonding and Unity

This celebration cements together the entire Saudi nation, reminds all people of this land about their common identity and promotes feelings of brotherhood and companionship across colour and class.

Recreation and Leisure

Since leisure time is so important to good health in our extremely busy lives, the national day is a great chance to rediscover the joys of life while taking off some time from our work routine. As the nation relaxes Endorphins surge to create a happiness wave.

Revival of Saudi Traditions


In a world where Eastern cultures are dying a slow death, Al Yawm al Watani helps Saudi revisit and revive her legacy and tradition for her young sons and daughters.

The once forgotten handicrafts, traditional music, dance and folklore have now been displayed on full splendor during this celebration.

Encouraging Tourism

The complain that there is very little to be excited about in Saudi Arabia in terms of travel and recreation is now a thing of the past.

The different folk dances, plays, sword fights, fireworks, drone competitions and concerts in addition to traditional Bazaars/ Souqs are now a booming tourist attraction.

Ways to enjoy Saudi National Day

There are a dozen ways and more to enjoy these holidays. Every major city has its own attractions in the form of fares and shows in parts, markets and malls.