What to do if your passport is lost in Saudi Arabia

Untitled InfographicWhen travelling around, there is always a chance that you might lose your belongings anywhere. So it is very important that you keep a track of everything that you have. When you are residing in Saudi Arabia, and if in any case your lose any of such valuable belongings then there are ways that you retrieve them back.

Here let us create a scenario, that you lose your Passport in KSA. What should you do? Other than panic there is a very simple procedure to get issue a new passport that likely works. The procedure of getting losing and retrieving your passport in Saudi Arabia is different than you lose your passport in a third country.

Procedure to retrieve your lost Passport:

  1. Firstly you need to make sure that you have lost your passport. Sometimes we forget and misplace things and we have the impression that we have lost them for good. But losing a passport is a big deal. There should be no mistake in thinking that it is actually lost.
  2. Advertising your Passport in a newspaper or in the lost and found section of a well-known Facebook Page or News Journal is the next step. If you have lost the passport then you should definitely consider this option and advertise about your passport in the local newspaper/journal. There are chances that someone may have found it. Ask around and be open to consider other possibilities too. Newspapers sometimes have standard formats for lost and found items that can also be helpful. Make sure that you provide the correct information regarding the name, passport name and your contact details. The advertisement charges are between SR 50-100.
  3. The next step is paying a visit to the Police Station where you will narrate the whole story. Make sure that you take a person with you that can speak Arabic clearly while registering the complaint. After this they will give you a copy of the police report that they have made after registering it in their database/system
  4. Visit the Consulate/Embassy of your country where they will process your case and provide you with a reference slip. You can collect the new passport at the time they have provided you on the slip.Copy of Police Report, Copy of Iqama and Copy of the lost passport and the fee for the new passport.