Why Today (25th May 2017 – Evening) is Not Ramadan

Why is today 25 May not Ramadan



Why today : 25th May evening is not going to be the start of Ramadan ?

We need to understand the Ramadan begins with the sighting of new moon today evening, after Magrib, which is after sunset.

After analyzing, the data about the setting of sun and moon which is collected over the years, we have come the following results:


Ramadan Does NOT start on 25th May 2017
Place Moonset Sunset Which set first Sun or Moon ?
Makkah 6:36 PM 6:56 PM Moonsets 20 min. before Sunset
Madinah 6:41 PM 7:02 PM Moonsets 22 min. before Sunset
Riyadh 6:11 PM 6:34 PM Moonsets 23 min. before Sunset
Jeddah 6:38 PM 6:59 PM Moonsets 21 min. before Sunset
Dammam 5:59 PM 6:24 PM Moonsets 25 min. before Sunset
Khamis Mushait 6:19 PM 6:39 PM Moonsets 20 min. before Sunset
Tabuk 6:59 PM 7:22 PM Moonsets 23 min. before Sunset

The points of observation have been taken from extreme ends of the country – East (Damman), West (Jeddah), North (Tabuk) and South (Khamis Mushait) and also the central region (Riyadh).

It can be seen that in all cases moon set earlier than sun by 20 minutes or more. Hence it is almost impossible to view the moon after sunset.

Hence we believe that that moon cannot be sighted today evening and first fasting will be only on Saturday. But as per Islamic tradition, the people will look out for moon until one hour after sunset before declaring anything.

QSaudi.com wishes its viewers Ramadan Kareem.