Overtime as per Saudi Labor Law

over time




In continuation of our series on creating awareness about Saudi Labor Law, in this article we present you the relevant portion of Saudi labor law regarding Overtime:


Article (107):

(1) The employer shall pay the worker for overtime working hours an additional amount equal to the hourly wage plus 50% of his basic wage.

(2) If the firm is operated on the basis of weekly working hours, the hours in excess of the hours taken as the criterion shall be deemed overtime hours.

(3) All working hours performed during holidays and Eids shall be deemed overtime hours.


Article (108):

The provisions of Articles (98) and (101) of this Law shall not apply to the following cases:

(1) Persons occupying high positions of authority in management and policy, if such positions grant the persons occupying them authority over workers.

(2) Preparatory or supplemental works which must be completed before or after commencement of work.

(3) Work that is intermittent by necessity.

(4) Guards and janitors, excluding civil security guards.

The Regulations shall specify the jobs listed under paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of this Article and their maximum working hours.