How To Get GOSI Certificate Online?

In the previous post, I have explained what GOSI is and how it works. In this article, I will show how to get GOSI certificate online. GOSI certificate confirms your current status in KSA and also used by other government department as a proof of employment. It mentions your employment, salary (Basic + Housing Allowance) status and history of employment and salary. An example is attached here.


To get the GOSI certificate, you must know your contributor ID. You can get your contributor ID from your employer or directly calling the GOSI toll free number: 8001243344. Give them your ID number and they will give you your contributor ID.

Once you get your contributor ID, register yourself online on GOSI website ( Fill all the information and submit. Once you submit, you will receive an SMS containing your USER ID and PASSWORD.

Login as per the information. Now you can access your account. The page will show below options:


Click on the generate certificate. A certificate will be generated in the same window. You can save it or print it. You will receive an SMS notification with the certificate number. Also you will receive the certificate through e-mail on the address you mentioned during registration.

The certificate is electronically generated and does not require any stamp or signature but you can get it stamped by your employer if needed.