Making iqama for new born baby

iqama baby


The following assumption is made in this article:
# Both father and mother have iqama

There are usually two scenarios:

Case 1. The baby is born in KSA

In this case, first you will have to get a birth statement from the hospital where your child is born. Just make double sure of the spelling of the name of the child in this statement. This you have to submit the Birth/Death registration department (located in Nasseriya, near Pakistan International School in Riyadh). They have started new procedure of taking appointment online. click here. You will get an appointment after 1 to 4 weeks. You have to go there with the father’s & mother’s passport copy, iqama copy, translation of hospital birth statement in Arabic if it is in English. Once you submit, they will give you the birth statement in Arabic.
Next step is to get passport issued.
This usually depends upon the embassy of your country. You can check the requirement of your embassy by calling them up. Click here to get list of Embassies and their contact details.

The normal requirements are:
1. English Translation of your child’s birth statement which you got from Birth registration dept.
2. 4-8 passport size photos of your baby.
3. Father’s Original passport + copy
4. Mother’s original passport + copy
5. Passport application form

Most of the Embassies issue passport within 5 working days. However, it is best you check with your Embassy how long it take for proper scheduling incase your are planning to travel.

Once the passport is ready, you can apply for the iqama for the child which is fairly a simple and fast process.

Usually the HR department takes care of this. But if you want to get it done fast, you can go on your own. You have to fill up the form which can got from your HR department. Or the offices outside jawazaat have forms and they fill it up for a fee of SR. 5 to SR. 10. You need to stick the photo of the baby on the form and get it stamped from your office.
Then you need to submit this form along with father’s iqama copy and baby’s passport copy and original passport to idhafa section (Addition dept) in jawazat (passport) office. He will issue the iqama on the spot within few minutes. However the queue for the counter may be long and it may take you upto 2 hours.

Case 2: Baby is born outside Saudi Arabia

The procedure for bringing the baby into Kingdom are given in this article .
Once the baby is in Kingdom, you need to deposit the fee of SR. 2,000 via ATM or online banking. And incase you have delayed in making the iqama, an additional amount of SR. 500 need to be deposited as penalty. You can check how much you have deposited/balance using this website. For paper work, you need the fill the form for addition which can be got at the offices or typist sitting near jawarat (passport) office. Then stick the photo of your child and get it stamped from your employer. Then attach copy of the polio immunization certificate which you got from the hospital in your home country at the time of birth. Then you need to submit this form along with father’s iqama copy and baby’s passport copy and original passport to idhafa section (Addition dept) in jawazat (passport) office. He will issue the iqama on the spot within few minutes. However the queue for the counter may be long and it may take you upto 2 hours.